Thursday, March 26, 2015

Reflection :)

Wow. That flew by. I presented yesterday for almost five minutes but it felt like two.

It was a crazy feeling - while Matt was presenting (one presentation before mine), I wasn't mentally preparing myself as I do for all my presentations. I don't know if I was out of it, or just too nervous to think, or something else. Anyway, Matt had just finished with his questions and I walked slowly onto the stage, again, very out of it, kind of in a daze.

Now that I think about it, I was unbelievably nervous, which is why I'm so proud of myself. While I was practicing the night before, I was panicking more than I ever have before - I was at the point where I was almost in tears, freaking out on the floor of my bedroom. But I conquered my fear; I conquered my worry. I went up on stage and gave it my best shot, and that is the most I could've asked of myself.

I'll let you in on a little secret... that was not the routine I practiced the night before the presentation. It was something I'd looked at a few days before, but ultimately, I was going to present about a different topic. It was only in fourth period (one period before the presentation) that I actually presented my original routine, the one you guys heard, to Jacob Kaffey. To my surprise, he laughed! I asked him if he thought I should use it in the TED Talk, and he told me I should. So I basically had to prep myself during lunch (whilst also finalizing my CD project ;) ).

There was an issue, in my opinion, regarding the presentation just in general. I spoke a little quickly and a little robotic. I knew that my talking speed tended to pick up when I presented, and I tried to prepare for this, but I guess that I still messed that up.

If I had to rate myself on the whole presentation, I would give myself an 8.5 to a 9. I stepped outside my comfort zone and all, but that is no excuse to speak monotone and speak too quickly on the whole presentation. I did show you guys my final product in an effective way though (I think).

Ultimately, I was very pleased. Not only did I face a fear but I made you guys laugh (my ultimate goal)! I would like to thank you all for being supportive and laughing your way through my project and presentation, even if you were just faking the laughs.

Signing off for the last time,

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